Health Insurance

Health Insurance

If an APUO member retires prior to the normal retirement date set out in the University of Ottawa Pension Plan (age 65), the member may, until they attain the normal retirement age of 65, participate in the supplementary health and dental insurance benefits provided to active APUO members. Eligible members who opt to continue their supplementary health benefits must pay the employer’s contribution for that benefit plan. If a member applies after 60 days of leaving the University Plan, they will required to complete a medical questionnaire. See section of the APUO Collective Agreement.

At age 65, a retiree can join group benefits medical plans to replace the extended health and travel benefits enjoyed while an employee of the University. There are a number of choices, and retirees are advised to study what is being offered by each plan, as the terms differ significantly from plan to plan, and each retiree’s individual situation (state of health, family situation, spouse, dependents, etc.) is particular. Currently some of the possibilities open to retirees include (1) the plan sponsored by the Retired Teachers of Ontario (RTO), a registered charity (annual membership required); (2) the Municipal Retirees’ Organization of Ontario (MROO) Extended Health Care & Dental Care; (3) the Retired Teachers Insurance Plan (RTIP) sponsored by Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan (OTIP); and (4) the “PlanDirect” coverage offered by Canada Life.

Members who retired on or after 1 May 2001 now have access to a Health Care Spending Account ($1350 for 2024). The programme, administered by Canada Life, will reimburse eligible members for expenses normally associated with health and dental benefits plans as stipulated in the 2021-2024 Collective Agreement, section 40.9.