Library Access
- Borrowing books and documents: With a UID card, a retiree receives the same borrowing privileges as a part-time professor, i.e., regular borrowing privileges of 75 documents (books, videos etc.) for a period of 28 days. Emeritus, adjunct and visiting professors are entitled to borrow 75 documents for an entire session. A $2.00 fee is charged for books loaned from other libraries via interlibrary loan. At other Ontario universities with reciprocal agreements, retirees enjoy borrowing privileges upon presentation of a UID card with an A/E code.
- Remote electronic access: Remote electronic access to books, journals and databases (remote access from home) is more restricted than borrowing privileges are. Such access is available to APUO retired professors who are Emeritus (Collective Agreement, section 38.1.3) or APUO retired professors who have applied for Adjunct Professor status (Collective Agreement, section 38.2.3).