Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association takes place in late spring, usually towards the end of May. All members in good standing of the APRUO are invited to attend and to vote on the Association’s business. The Board of Directors reports to the AGM on the past year’s activities, such as scholarship awards, finances, and news on pension and benefits.  The AGM always includes a social component (lunch or reception), at which members have an opportunity to catch up with one another and renew past acquaintances.

AGM Minutes

Minutes of the most recent Annual General Meetings can be accessed here. (The Minutes for 2024 have not yet been formally approved, so these are currently posted in a draft version.) A full archive of AGM Meeting Minutes going back to the year 2000 is stored on our "Resources" page.


AGM of 2023

AGM of 2022

AGM of 2021

AGM of 2020